Monday, November 8, 2010

Potential Health Questions

There have been a number of wide ranging studies on the impacts of traffic fumes on the health of individuals living in close proximity to heavily trafficked roads. 

Professor Jonathan Grigg, Honarary Consultant Royal London Hospital state in his recent study....

"Children who live near a main road are in greater danger of catching pneumonia because pollution  from passing traffic damages their lungs. A leading expert in childhood breathing difficulties has made the link between exposure to particles from vehicle exhausts and a child's susceptibility to the chest infection, which can be fatal....." Read More

Mrs Z J Andersen, Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Public Health, Copenhagen University report concluded....

"Air pollution related to traffic is significantly associated with triggering of wheezing symptoms in the first 3 years of life" .... Read More

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine ...
"traffic-related pollution is associated with respiratory symptoms in children.."  Read More

There are numerous other studies and reports all concluding similar findings that proximity to traffic fumes is a danger to health particularly to young children. 

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