
There are a number of issues relating to health that should be addressed before the proposed hospital is built.
Of particular concern are:-
  • Traffic Fumes and the impact on health.
  • Noise Pollution
See below for extracts to information in relation to these issues and if you need more information click 'Read More' links to view full reports.


Environmental Audit Committee - Fifth Report   Air Quality
Session 2009-10Publications on the internet
Environmental Audit Committee Publications

"Poor air quality reduces the life expectancy of everyone in the UK by an average of seven to eight months and up to 50,000 people a year may die prematurely because of it. Air pollution also causes significant damage to ecosystems. Despite these facts being known air quality is not seen as a priority across government and the UK is failing to meet a range of domestic and European targets." Read More


Locally generated particulate pollution and respiratory symptoms in young children
N Pierse, L Rushton, R S Harris, C E Kuehni, M Silverman, and J Grigg

Copyright © 2006 BMJ Publishing Group and British Thoracic Society


In young children there was a consistent association between locally generated primary PM10 and the prevalence and incidence of cough without a cold and the incidence of wheeze which was independent of potential confounders." Read More


Traffic fumes increase the risks of child pneumonia

Top consultant announces breakthrough study

Children who live near a main road are in greater danger of catching pneumonia because pollution from passing traffic damages their lungs. A leading expert in childhood breathing difficulties has made the link between exposure to particles from vehicle exhausts and a child's susceptibility to the chest infection, which can be fatal. Read More

Guardian / Observer
Denis Campbell, health correspondent The Observer, Sunday 24 January 2010